Our Services

Materials Development and Publishing

Developing targeted messages and communicating them effectively is at the heart of what HECC does best.

Intervention and Initiative Design

HECC can help with any step(s) in the process of designing interventions and initiatives.

Social Marketing and Message Development

HECC’s approach to social marketing blends both mass media and community outreach.

Research and Evaluation

Research and evaluation form an integral part of HECC’s work, whether as a single focus or as part of a larger project.

Training, Technical Assistance and Project/Meeting Facilitation

Due to HECC’s highly developed communication process skills, HECC also works with clients to plan and deliver custom trainings, technical assistance in our areas of expertise, and well as project/meeting facilitation.

At HECC, we bring the use of our highly developed communication process skills to each endeavor, and rely on experts to guide the content of projects.  This strategy assures the accuracy and reliability of information and it allows for the translation of expert, in-depth views into terms understandable by the intended audience. Similarly, we engage the end-user in reviewing materials before completion. Thus HECC staff is committed to and highly skilled in facilitating a collaborative process among many diverse parties. Second, we employ a comprehensive approach, considering the entire project and how each individual task fits within it. Finally, Principal Joy Osterhout, MS, MCHES provides attention to each project to assure that its standards for quality in the design, content, and integrity and appropriateness of approach are maintained.

HECC can help you with:

  • Materials development and publishing,
  • Intervention and initiative design,
  • Social marketing and message development,
  • Research and evaluation, and
  • Training, technical assistance, and project/meeting facilitation.

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